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Cameron McCaa

Youthly Growing Pains

Updated: Apr 5, 2022

J Cole famously stated in one of my favorite songs of his, "It's beauty in the struggle, ugliness in the success. Hear my words or listen to my signal of distress. I grew up in the city and know sometimes we had less. Compared to some of my people down the block, man, we were blessed."

I remember taking the Dash back and forth to USC while wondering how I was going to afford something to eat. My stomach became stronger and my willingness to succeed clearer. I had to learn early on in my twenties that these moments of struggle were times of development. My grandmother would always tell me that gratitude is essential to exhibit because there will always be someone doing better and worse than you are - enjoy your appointed lot in life!

Although filled with ideas and energy, like a twenty-year-old I remember lacking patience. I'd rush homework assignments and apply to every job underneath the sun thinking I was making progress by earning a quick buck. Progress in its rawest form in my opinion is connected to strategy. A plan is what I needed, not additional tasks to occupy my time without connection to meaningful results.

Adopt a plan - jot it down simple and plain. Work on it and appreciate the people helping you along the way. Don't confuse being busy with being productive. Learn that your struggles now will be fuel for success later.

The majority of us have had to work hard for the things we have and sorry to say - join the club! Your time is coming!



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